Sunday 26 September 2010

Am aripi!

Te'ai simtit vreodata asa de fericita,ca pur si simplu nu te'ai putut sa te abtii sa nu plangi? Ai fost vreodata asa de fericita,ca ai simtiti ca pur si simplu iti iei zborul?
Am aripi!Da,chiar am.Nu mi'au crescut peste noapte,si nu a fost usor..dar acum,am aripi.Imi iau zborul.Zburand descopar lucruri de care pana acum habar n'am avut.Zbor,peste mari si nu ma mai opresc.Nu pot.Starea de euforie nu dispare.Nu trebuie sa dispara.Sunt fericita.
Ce am lasat in urma,acolo ramane,Trecutul este trecut,prezentul este prezent.Ce am acum,vreau sa am si de acum incolo.Viitorul,este stralucitor.
Ma orbeste pur si simplu.E o stralucire patrunzatoare,si stiu,ca o sa fie bine.O sa fie mai bine.O sa fie..pur si simplu perfect.PERFECT!
Asa cum este viata.Perfecta!Trebuie numai sa vedem ce trebuie,nu ce ni se impune.
Si eu,acuma,cad...vad m ai clar decat am vazut vreodata.Vad,ce nu vazusem pana acum,simt,ce nu am simtit niciodata.Sunt,cine am vrut intodeauna sa fiu.Sunt eu.Sunt fericita.Nu am nevoie nici de mai putin,nici de mai mult,de cat am acuma,in momentul asta.Am totul.Am lumea.Am tot ce am visat vreodata.Si asta,nimeni n'o sa poata sa'mi ia vreodata.
Am aripi..zbor!

Sunday 22 August 2010


why is everyone so frustrated?why would anyone care,about what others feel,what other think,what's going on inside.nobody cares.i've read somewhere that it's not worth telling people how you feel.80%just don't care,and the other 20% just will listen to you,but they won't do anything about it.why?why?why?why?what's the point?caring for people who say they are your friends,and they don't give a rat's ass about your is not a movie,although it would be nice.everything is fine,everything is great. pissed off.

Saturday 15 May 2010

For you!

My thoughts go out to you,my Immortal Beloved.
I can live only wholly with you,or not at all.
Be calm my life,my all.Only by calm consideration of our existence can we achieve our purpose to live together.
Oh,continue to love me,never misjudge the most faithful heart of your beloved.
Ever thine.
Ever mine.
Ever ours.

Tuesday 20 April 2010


Ellis Boyd Redding the file says you have served 40 years of your life sentence.You feel you have rehabilitated?

"Rehabilitated?Well now let me see.You know I Have no idea what that means.To me it's just a made up word.A politician's word.
Young fellas like yourself can wear a suit,with a tie,have a job,but what do you really wanna know?
Am I sorry for what I did?There's not a day that goes by that I don't regret.Not because I'm in here,because you think I should.
I look back on the way I was,a young,stupid kid who committed that terrible crime,I wanna talk to him.
I want to talk some sense to him,tell him the way things really are,but I can't.
That kid is long gone,this old man is all that it's left.I gotta live with that.
It's just a bullshit word.So you go ahead and stamp you folder son,you're wasting my time.
Because I tell you the truth,I don't give a shit."

Este o particica din filmul meu preferat.Sunt de parere ca aceste randuri spun mai multe decat am crede.

Life as it is...

The thing is I'm good at pushing people away.
The problem is I don't want to.
Or maybe I do.
I like some things simple.
But when it's too simple,I complicate it.
I'm not a good friend.
I listen,I give advice.
But what's the point?
I know one day something will happen,
And I'll simply loose my friends.
Because,that's what I do best.
The sky is blue,the grass is green.
Simple as that.
But the sky above my head,is a mess.
Is a mess,because I can't clean it.
I don't know how.
I am always thinking.
And the more I think,the more I get sad.
I realise that someday,I will loose everyone I love.
Then what's the point of love?
I still ahven't figures it out yet.
I just enjoy it.
I try not to think about the end,but how much I've learned along the way.

Cuvinte fara rost!

Cuvinte care nu'si au rostul,
Oameni carora nu le pasa,
Un frig crunt dupa o zi de vara,
O trezire la realitate,dupa o noapte de vise,
Lacrimi,dupa zambete,
Tipete,dupa ras,
Isterie,dupa fericire.
Speranta,dupa deznadejde.
Si deznadejde,dupa speranta.
De ce fericirea costa asa mult?
De ce costa asa mult sa iubesti pe cineva?
Sau sa fii iubita?
De ce?
De ce dupa o perioada de bucurie,zambete,fericire,
Vine un val de amaraciune,deznadejde,lacrimi,
Care pana la urma ucid speranta.
Speranta,care e cel mai de pret lucru pe care poate sa'l aiba o persoana,
Speranta,care te ajuta in vremuri grele,urate.
De ce eu?
Sa simti ca totul se prabuseste peste tine,
Sa te simti sufocata de singuratate,
Fara prieteni,fara lucrurile care conteaza cel mai mult.

Living in the sky with Diamonds!

The sky has no limits,it has no end,no starting point.
The only limitation we have,is limited by our mind,
Which has been limited by the playground that we had grown up in.
Our imagination is limited in such way,that,
We refuse to see what's beyond the first thing we lay our eyes on.
You see the tree in a field,but you won't take time to see the sunflower near the tree.
We all like to imagine that our life is good.
We do everything we can to make things as we want them
But what happens,if the circumstances wont allow us to do so?
What will you do,if one day,you'll wake up
And find out,that the only friends you had,left you.
Then you see that the diamonds you had,had all vanish into thin air,
And the things you though of as precious simply disappeared.
And you sit ij the middle of four walls,
Listening to your heartbeat,
As it's getting weaker by the minute,
Because the things that made your heart beat fast,
You cannot see or feel it.
Disappointment,sadness,and fear take over,
because,you realize,
You were never a good friend...

You don't always get what you want.
You are not supposed to get what you want.
And maybe that's how things work.
Maybe we want a thing,
but what if that's not the thing we need?
Life is journey.
It's not how we want it to be,
but how we mold it.
I am not lucky.
And I know that no matter what I want in my life,
I will have to fight for it,
work for it,and sweat for it.
All the things i have accomplished
Was by hard work.
I was never lucky.
And I will never be.
I want things I know i won't have.
But i also know that those things aren't important.
Not for me.
The most important thing is to be happy.

Sound of the waves

Muzica e sunetul sufletului.
Muzica,e ca oglinda trairilor interioare.
Muzica,e acel zambet atunci cand ai nevoie de cineva,
E acea mana atunci cand ai nevoie de ajutor,
E acea raza de soare,intr'o zi ploioasa,
E barca intr'o furtuna,
E ca luna pentru cer,
Si sufletul pentru om.
E acea oaza de liniste intr'o zi tulbure,
E acel vis intr'o realitate sumbra,

Viata pur si simplu!

Cateodata sunt foarte vesela,
Pot sa rad cu prietenii mei,pot sa ma bucur de viata
Pentru pur si simplul noroc ca mai sunt in viata.
Asta se intampla foarte rar,atunci
Cand uit de mine.
Este ca atunci cand uiti o carte langa geam,
Si dupa un timp il gasesti acolo,
Pur si simplu stand,cand iti amintesti ca tu l'ai lasat acolo.
Mi'e frica.Nu vreau sa cresc.
Vreau sa fiu asa cum eram cand eram copil.
Cand nimeni nu depindea de mine,
Atunci cand cineva facea totul in locul me.
Nu mai vreau.
Sa fiu mare,sa fac intodeauna ce nu'mi place,
Sa fiu intodeauna cea de la care oamenii asteapta lucruri,
Sau cea de la care parintii au asteptari,
Sau sa fiu cea care asteapta.
Vreau,ca lumea mea sa fie ca un curcubeu,
Vreau,ca totul sa fie asa cum vreau eu.
Nu mai vreau sa trec peste greutati,
Sa mi se para ca ce va trebui sa fac ma depaseste.
Dar il fac,ma autodepasesc de fiecare data.
Imagine pe care o vad atunci cand ma uit in oglinda,
Nu sunt eu.
Este,ceea ce vreau sa vad.
De realitate,mi'e frica.
Sa visez,nu'mi ajunge.
Sa vreau,e mai mult decat pot duce.
Sa fac,este ceva impresionant.
Ma impresionez de ficare data cand trec peste ceva care mi se pare imposibil.
Zambesc,cand fac ceva ce stiu ca mi s'a parut imposibil.
Pot mai mult.
Sa vina zile grele,
Sa vina zile rele,
Sa vine furtuni,ploaie,vand.
Sa vina tristete,durere,agitatie.
Pot trece peste tot.
Si privind inapoi,o sa realizez cat de puternica sunt.
Si asta,numai pentru ca am pentru ce lupta.
“"Sa faci o banca de lemn in mijlocul marii. Ar fi ca un lacas de stat cu capul in maini in mijlocul sufletului."


Vreau,sa nu mai trebuiasca sa visez.
Vreau ca visele mele sa se indeplineasca.
Vreau,sa nu ma simt asa gol.
Vreau sa am un scop cand ma trezesc dimineata.
Vreau,sa nu mai fiu invizibila.
Vreau,sa'mi gasesc locul in lume.
Vreau,sa se termine o data.
Vreau,ca lucrurile sa fie ca alta data.
Vreau,sa fii aici.
Vreau,sa nu fiu singura.
Vreau,sa zambesc.
Vreau,sa ma bucur de viata.
Vreau,sa fiu asa cum sunt eu.
Vreau,sa rad cu lacrimi.
Vreau,sa fiu fericita.
Vreau,sa stiu ca am un rost in lume.
Vreau,sa nu mai ploua.
Vreau,sa vad soarele.
Vreau,sa pot dormi linistita.
Vreau,sa simt ca traiesc.
Vreau,ca sa nu fiu moarta pe inauntru.
Vreau,ca oamneii sa nu mai tipe la mine.
Vreau,sa nu fiu neimportanta.
Vreau,ca cineva sa ma inteleaga.
Vreau,sa am cu cine vorbi.
Vreau,sa nu fiu singura.
Vreau,ceea ce nu pot avea

It's Thursday.
You decided you want to go for a walk,
So you headed town.
You're walking on the streets full of people.
It's a beautiful sunny day.
The sky is blue,the grass is green.
People are walking next to you.
You stop.
You sit down on a bench of a bus stop.
You look around.
And you're amazed by all the things you see.
There is absolutely one things you're thinking about now,
It's just you,and the rest of the world.
No problems,no job,no stress.
You look to the right,and you see a woman,walking hand in hand with his little kid.
They are headed home after they were shopping.
You can tell the mom is happy,she has the most beautiful smile on her face.
You can also tell she's tired.She has wrinkles.
The kid is well dressed,she takes good care of him.
You can also see the kid adores his mother.He can't stop looking at her.
He askes the most silly questions,just to hear her talk.
So he can feel safe,that her mother is there.
They pass.
Next,you see a dog walking down,with his owner.
The dog is really big,and you can tell that the owner is taking good care of him.
You can also tell he's well trained.
The owner speaks to his dog in a weird language.
You don't understand it.
You just know that the dog is listening to him.
The bus came.People are trying to get on the bus.
They aren't really nice one to another.
The bus leaves.
You observe an old lady coming towards you.
You can see she is really old,
She barely has grey hair.
Her clothes are really dirty.
You feel sorry for her.
You can see that she hasn't had a proper meal for years.
She has beautiful,baby blue eyes.
You can see her kindness in them.
While she is getting closer,she smiles.
A tear streams from your eyes
You wish you could help her with something.
You smile back.
She suddenly disappears.
But her face is something you're not going to forget.

I close my eyes.
My imagination wonders from one heard story to another.
A little imagination here,and there,
And a fairytale is created in my head.
The one place,where things go as you want them to,
The one place where you can be any character you want to be.
And you always have a happy ending.
Reality is a place,where many people don't dare to venture.
They would rather hide behind someone else,
Or they would simply live in their own little world.
There are so many things that it could be said,
But I'd rather let you imagine the rest.

Finding Neverland!

Imi place sa zambesc.Imi place sa fiu trista.
Imi place sa rad.Imi place sa plang.
Imi place sa'i fac pe altii sa rada.Imi place sa ma faca altii sa rad.
Imi place sa fiu cea din urma.Imi place sa fiu cea dintai.
Imi place sa fiu originala.Imi place sa fiu o copie.
Imi place culoarea apusului.
Imi place culoarea rasaritului.
Imi place orizontul.Imi plac barcile care dispar in orizont.
Imi plac inceputurile.
Imi plac sfarsiturile.
Imi place sa dorm.Imi place sa
fiu treaza.
Imi place ziua.Imi place noaptea.
Imi place linistea.Imi place galagia.
Imi plac copii.Imi plac batranii.
Imi place primavara.Imi place toamna.
Imi plac copacii.Imi plac frunzele toamna.
Imi place ca Martie vine in fiecare an.
Imi place ca Martie e urmata de Aprilie.
Imi place cerul.
Imi plac stelele.
Imi place soarele.Imi place luna.
Imi place sa ascult muzica.Imi place sa fredonez.
Imi place mirosul de iarna.Imi place mirosul de primavara.
Imi place sa fiu diferita.Imi place sa fiu obisnuita.
Imi place ce tie nu'ti place.Imi place ce tie'ti place.
Imi place sa ma plimb.Imi place sa alerg.
Imi place sa am prieteni.Imi place sa fiu singura.
Imi place misterul.Imi place sa stiu lucruri.
Imi place sa zbor.Imi place pamantul.
Imi place arta.Imi place literatura.
Imi place ca tu citesti asta.
Imi plac plimbarile noaptea.Imi plac plimbarile ziua.
Imi place apa.Imi place desertul.
Imi place marea.Imi plac valurile ce se zdrobesc.
Imi place sa dorm.Imi place sa visez.
Imi place sa cred.Imi place sa stiu.
Imi place sa'mi imaginez lucruri.Imi place sa mi se spuna.
Imi place sa inventez.Imi place sa citesc.
Imi place viata.Imi place moartea.
Imi plac tatuajele care semnifica ceva.Imi plac pierceurile.
Imi place sa fiu lenesa.Imi place sa fiu activa.
Imi plac culorile inchise.Imi plac culorile deschise.
Imi place ciocolate fierbine.Imi place laptele.
Imi place sa fumez.Imi place sa beau Cola.
Imi place sa mananc.Imi place sa nu mananc.
Imi plac lucrurile excentrice.Imi place obisnuinta.
Imi place monotonia.Imi plac lucrurile spontane.
Imi place sa gandesc.Imi place sa meditez.
Imi place sa iubesc.Imi place sa fiu iubita.
Imi place...


We're all born,but I'm not sure yet who decides whether we should be born or not,or either we choose the family we want to be born in or not.
Things aren't always simple,we always have problems,we always fight,but family is always there for you.They have to love you,no matter what you did or what you are,because it's what family is all about.Of course most of the times we fight with our parents,we 'hate' them and we can't wait to get away from them,but once we'll have our own family,we will realize a lot of things.Like why they didn't let you go out with someone that looked suspicious.The truth is I had many moments when I wished to just get away from my parents,and someday I will leave the house and move into my own,but honestly,I wouldn't trade my family for nothing on earth.I have the best sister ever.She is really a little genius,and my parents have always compared me to her.She is really smart and all,and I am really lazy.And i hated my parents because they wanted me to be like her,but i just couldn't.I'm not like her,I'm different.I'm exactly her opposite.The qualities she has,I don't have,and the qualities I have she doesn't have.Of course she has way more qualities than me,but I'm not jealous at her,I'm happy for her.I love her to death.i really do.And I seriously wouldn't change her for nothing in this world.
We are all born to love.Everybody has different things they like,some people like nature,some people like animals,some people like to fight against world hunger,or they simply love people so much that they want to help as many people as they can.We all have at least one thing that we love to death.We hold on to that thing until the day we die.Some people love to death a hobby,some people love other people,some people love art,some people love music,some people love nature.There are millions of things that we love.People are different.Everyone is different.I can assure you that you won't find two people who are exactly the same.For example I love creativity.I love being original,although I wake up sometimes that someone else had the same idea before me.I honestly don't like people who are unoriginal,or I really don't like people who will label themselves as something even if they are not.You have to be who you are.That's the most important thing.Don't be someone you like or don't try to be someone you're not,it will never work.I still have to figure out some things at myself,even if it's very hard,but if you have someone there for you who is able to help you,you'll figure things out.


Urasc cand se schimba lucrurile.De obicei in rau.
Urasc cand oamenii ma fac sa iau decizii.Mai ales ca nu stiu ce sa aleg.
Urasc timpul,pentru ca de obicei trece prea repede.
Urasc masinile.Prea multe accidente.
Urasc ca depind de oameni.Sunt independenta.
Urasc linistea.Dar cateodata am nevoie.
Urasc sa fiu luata pe sus.Nu sunt proasta.
Urasc oamenii care judeca.Nuci nu ma cunosc.
Urasc cafeaua.Are un gust oribil.
Urasc fobiile.Dar toti avem fobii.
Urasc scoala.Dar fara scoala unde ajung?
Urasc gandacii.Care e rostul lor?
Urasc drogurile.Nu sunt slaba.
Urasc alcoolul.Nu inteleg de ce schimba atat de mult un om.
Urasc bolile.Ar fi mai bine fara.
Urasc anatomia umana.Nu potea sa fie mai usor?
Urasc copii imaturi.De ce se cred maturi?
Urasc sa urasc?De ce?

Neverland turns into nothing!

The sky is blue
The grass is green.
My life is not perfect,
And I don't want it to be.
I have good days,and I have bad days.
I smile,and I cry.
I laugh,and I fight.
I do things that I'm not proud of,
And I do things,that show the best in me.
My life
Is how it should be.
With good,with bad.
But one place,I have,
Where I consider myself perfect.
That is my world,
That I've built for years.
You can't bring it down,
You can't make it disappear.
It's a part of me.
It's me.
The one place,where I spend most of my time.
The one place,where things are the way I want them to be,
The one place,where I do not ever cry.
The one place,where my heart is full of joy.
The one place,where harm does not exist,
And neither bad or sad.
In Neverland,I find peace.
In Neverland,I find myself.
The real me.
And in Neverland,I find hope.
The hope,that everything is going to be okay one day.
The hope that keeps me going every single day.
I need friends.
Without them,I'll float away.
Without them,I'm nothing.
But what happens,when I feel they don't need me.
The truth is,they never did.
But i couldn't simply walk away.
I didn't had the strenght.
I can't do it now either,
But I have to.
I don't want them.
I don't need them.
They are better without me.
They will never understand me,
And I don't want them to.
They are different,
And I am weird.


Independently Happy!

I'm sorry.
I'm sorry because things aren't the way they should be.
I'm sorry
That many are punished for something they did not do.
For the things they never got to do.
For all the things they would deserve,
But they will never have.
For every time they needed help,
But no one was there to help them.
For all the moments they were on the ground,
But no one cared enough to pick them up.
For all the times they needed a shoulder to lean on,
But no one gave them support.
For every day,that they thought it was the last
For all the tears they shared with the world.
For every second spent sad.
For every minute they spent crying.
For every second they wanted to die,
For every hour they thought they were worthless.
For every day they spend being a shadow.
For every week they thought no one cared.
For every year that was insignificant.
Look around you,and smile.
There is a reason why you are here.
A reason why you are who you are.
A reason why things are the way they are.
Don't be sad.
Someday,things will change.
You won't have what you want,but what you need.
You won't have what you wished for,
But so much more.
You will meet people,
For who you will mean the world.
You will be so happy,it will make you cry.
You will have so much joy,
You won't know how to react.
You will see even the ugliest things beautiful.
You will smile for no reason,
And you will not think about the past,
You will be enjoying your present,
And you will smile when thinking of the future.
You'll smile.
You'll be happy.


The time is a person's biggest fear.
The time passes.
It never stays.
It never stops.
You can't hold a moment in your hand.
You can only keep it as a memory.
You are born.
You grow up.
You grow old.
And you die.
That's how things are.
This is how things should be.
The passes slowly,
Time passes quickly.
The passes not how you wast to
But how it should.
You want it to pass fast,
it passes slow.
You want it to pass slow,
It passes fast.
It doesn't listen to you.
You're not the one who decides how time should pass.
The time controls us.
Time controls our life.
It's the truth.
Accept it.
And learn how to live with it,
Otherwise,you'll wake up one day,
And you'll realize how much time passed,
And how you didn't do anything.
While time passes,it get's precious every second.
When you're young,it passes slow.
You think you have an eternity in front of you.
But as you get older,
Your seconds are numbered.
Every seconds you get when your older,
Are even more precious.
The only moment that is yours,is the present.
Not the past,and neither the future.
Everything depends on you.
You can hold the present,
Or you can let it go.
My advice.
Take this moment as it is.
Enjoy every hour with your family,
Every minute with your friends,
And every second with the one you love.
But don't forget,
Time,as it is.
Can build you or break you.
It's up to you how you're going to use it.
Use it wisely.