Tuesday 20 April 2010

Life as it is...

The thing is I'm good at pushing people away.
The problem is I don't want to.
Or maybe I do.
I like some things simple.
But when it's too simple,I complicate it.
I'm not a good friend.
I listen,I give advice.
But what's the point?
I know one day something will happen,
And I'll simply loose my friends.
Because,that's what I do best.
The sky is blue,the grass is green.
Simple as that.
But the sky above my head,is a mess.
Is a mess,because I can't clean it.
I don't know how.
I am always thinking.
And the more I think,the more I get sad.
I realise that someday,I will loose everyone I love.
Then what's the point of love?
I still ahven't figures it out yet.
I just enjoy it.
I try not to think about the end,but how much I've learned along the way.

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