Tuesday 20 April 2010

Living in the sky with Diamonds!

The sky has no limits,it has no end,no starting point.
The only limitation we have,is limited by our mind,
Which has been limited by the playground that we had grown up in.
Our imagination is limited in such way,that,
We refuse to see what's beyond the first thing we lay our eyes on.
You see the tree in a field,but you won't take time to see the sunflower near the tree.
We all like to imagine that our life is good.
We do everything we can to make things as we want them
But what happens,if the circumstances wont allow us to do so?
What will you do,if one day,you'll wake up
And find out,that the only friends you had,left you.
Then you see that the diamonds you had,had all vanish into thin air,
And the things you though of as precious simply disappeared.
And you sit ij the middle of four walls,
Listening to your heartbeat,
As it's getting weaker by the minute,
Because the things that made your heart beat fast,
You cannot see or feel it.
Disappointment,sadness,and fear take over,
because,you realize,
You were never a good friend...

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