Tuesday 20 April 2010

Neverland turns into nothing!

The sky is blue
The grass is green.
My life is not perfect,
And I don't want it to be.
I have good days,and I have bad days.
I smile,and I cry.
I laugh,and I fight.
I do things that I'm not proud of,
And I do things,that show the best in me.
My life
Is how it should be.
With good,with bad.
But one place,I have,
Where I consider myself perfect.
That is my world,
That I've built for years.
You can't bring it down,
You can't make it disappear.
It's a part of me.
It's me.
The one place,where I spend most of my time.
The one place,where things are the way I want them to be,
The one place,where I do not ever cry.
The one place,where my heart is full of joy.
The one place,where harm does not exist,
And neither bad or sad.
In Neverland,I find peace.
In Neverland,I find myself.
The real me.
And in Neverland,I find hope.
The hope,that everything is going to be okay one day.
The hope that keeps me going every single day.
I need friends.
Without them,I'll float away.
Without them,I'm nothing.
But what happens,when I feel they don't need me.
The truth is,they never did.
But i couldn't simply walk away.
I didn't had the strenght.
I can't do it now either,
But I have to.
I don't want them.
I don't need them.
They are better without me.
They will never understand me,
And I don't want them to.
They are different,
And I am weird.


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