Tuesday 20 April 2010

Independently Happy!

I'm sorry.
I'm sorry because things aren't the way they should be.
I'm sorry
That many are punished for something they did not do.
For the things they never got to do.
For all the things they would deserve,
But they will never have.
For every time they needed help,
But no one was there to help them.
For all the moments they were on the ground,
But no one cared enough to pick them up.
For all the times they needed a shoulder to lean on,
But no one gave them support.
For every day,that they thought it was the last
For all the tears they shared with the world.
For every second spent sad.
For every minute they spent crying.
For every second they wanted to die,
For every hour they thought they were worthless.
For every day they spend being a shadow.
For every week they thought no one cared.
For every year that was insignificant.
Look around you,and smile.
There is a reason why you are here.
A reason why you are who you are.
A reason why things are the way they are.
Don't be sad.
Someday,things will change.
You won't have what you want,but what you need.
You won't have what you wished for,
But so much more.
You will meet people,
For who you will mean the world.
You will be so happy,it will make you cry.
You will have so much joy,
You won't know how to react.
You will see even the ugliest things beautiful.
You will smile for no reason,
And you will not think about the past,
You will be enjoying your present,
And you will smile when thinking of the future.
You'll smile.
You'll be happy.

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